1 Orientation

Each spring, a new cohort of programs is enrolled in the Program Review Course.

In March, a quality assurance practitioner reaches out to deans and program chairs to remind them of the programs within their Faculty/School that are scheduled for external program review. They are also invited to join a cohort of programs as part of a 14-month Program Review Course.

Each department then forms a program review team of three to five faculty members who have primary responsibility over the review. Once teams are established, they are enrolled in the Program Review Course that is set-up in the university’s learning management system where they have access to resources including templates, timelines, recommended submission dates, info sessions, and workshops.

In May, the cohort of program review teams attend a half-day Program Review Orientation where they engage in an interactive session facilitated by representatives from the offices of quality assurance and institutional research, and teaching and learning centre. The Orientation is designed to be hands-on, collaborative, and educative in order to set programs up for a successful review. In addition, participants have opportunities to ask questions and share their prior experiences. Alumni who have completed the course are also invited to share their experiences.

Instructions for Program Review Teams

Timeline: April  – May

Recommended Submission Dates: April and May

In preparation for the Orientation, please take some time to complete the following activities:

  • Email the quality assurance practitioner with a list of the following people in April:
    1. Program review team members
    2. Program review team lead
  • Your team will the be registered in the Program Review Course in Moodle.
  • You will be invited to attend the Orientation session in May.
  • Accept the calendar invitation to attend the Orientation session or designate someone to attend in your absence. 
  • Read Module 1 in the Program Review Handbook. 

Orientation Agenda

Table 2.1
Time Activity
9:00 – 9:30am Welcome and introductions; Why program review matters
9:30 – 9:45am Overview of research-informed approach to program review and participant survey
9:45 – 10:15am Overview of Program Review Course and Learning Modules
10:15 – 10:45 am Guest speaker: Institutional Data – Student Enrolment and Achievement
10:45 – 11:15am Guest speaker: Institutional Data – Student Pathways
11:15am – 12:00pm Guest speaker: Reconciliation, Indigenization, and Decolonization
12:00 – 12:30pm Lunch
12:30 – 1:30pm Program Review Alumni Panel
1:30 – 2:50pm Activity: Program Review Timeline (PDF)1
2:50 – 2:00pm Closing remarks and next steps

Note: To learn more about our experiences delivering the Orientation, which evolves each iteration, please reach out to us (see Authors for our contact information).


Quality Assurance Office

  • Director
  • Quality assurance practitioner

Teaching and Learning Centre

  • Director
  • Educational Developer

Institutional Research Office

  • Director
  • Institutional research staff


  • Program review alumni (i.e., faculty members and program chairs from previous program review cohorts)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Orientation, faculty will be able to:

  • describe the key components of a high-quality self-study
  • identify appropriate data collection methods to assist with their self-study
  • engage colleagues in developing learning outcomes and mapping the curriculum of their programs
  • identify the key personnel at the university who can provide support with elements of their self-study
  • articulate the reporting schedule


1 Modified from Hoare, A., Dishke Hondzel, C., Hoessler, C., & Petri. D. (2021, May 13). 2021 Program review orientation [Workshop]. Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC.


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Program Review Handbook Copyright © by Alana Hoare; Catharine Dishke Hondzel; and Shannon Wagner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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