We are always looking to connect with other quality assurance practitioners and educational developers. We are interested in establishing a quality assurance network within BC and Canada. If you would like to learn more about our work, collaborate on a project, or join the growing quality assurance collaborative in BC, please reach out to us!
Dr. Alana Hoare is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the School of Education at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) whose academic interests focus on ethical leadership and culturally responsive governance and planning in higher education. She previously served as TRU’s Associate Director, Academic Planning and Continuous Quality Improvement, and was responsible for leading and managing institutional accreditation, mission fulfilment planning and evaluation, curricular governance, and cyclical program review. She holds an EdD in educational leadership (Western University) with a focus on equity and social justice. She also holds an MEd, BEd, and post-baccalaureate certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language (TRU). Alana can be reached at

Dr. Catharine Dishke Hondzel has previously served as the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Thompson Rivers University and Dean, Academic Excellence and Teaching Innovation at Lambton College. She holds a PhD in educational psychology (Western University) and an MA in applied social psychology (Windsor). Her work in research and teaching is centred on appreciative faculty development, undergraduate research, experiential learning, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Dr. Shannon Wagner joined Thompson Rivers University as Associate Vice President Academic in 2021 and accepted the position of Vice President of Research in 2023. Prior to coming to TRU, Wagner served as Dean of the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences and Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Social and Health Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia. Her research program includes topics related to occupational and organizational mental health, emergency services, and human rights in the workplace. Her teaching has focused on occupational health, psychological assessment, statistics, epidemiology and health promotion.

Other Open Educational Resources by the Authors
Hoare, A. & Aguilar Santos, J. (2024). Educational research: Abridged. Thompson Rivers University. Adapted from: DeCarlo, M., Cummings, C., Agnelli, K., & Laitsch, D. (2022, June 28). Graduate research methods in education (leadership): A project-based approach (Version BCcampus.
Hoare, A., Osuntade, O. B., & Patel, R. (2024). Ethical educational leadership: Untangling ethical dilemmas and imagining alternative futures. TRU Open Press.
Hoare, A., Osuntade, O. B., & Patel, R. (2024). Literature review essentials [content creators]. TRU Research Learning Hub, Thompson Rivers University.
Hoessler, C. & Hoare, A. (2022). Strategic assessment of institutional learning: Practitioner handbook. TRU Pressbooks.